from wooded meadows of
the Royal Grey Home


Elfs have lived on Dia for so many generations now it is hard to think of them as gimbaliens. They have courts among the Fae and seem to call it their home plane, however they originate from one of the outer chaos planes. Due to their long lives, their experience vastly outweighs any giantkin understanding. Long ago they landed on the Latis Isle and with the peoples of Laechland they formed what we now know as the Latis Curia.

alternate names: fairfolk
plural: elfs
adjectives: elfin

Choose a Dian bloodline:
sea elf or wood elf

Choose an ancient bloodline:
sun/moon elf or drow/kotic elf

Choose a Gimbalien bloodline:
elemental elf or shadar-kai

Up next Form alternate names: formfolk, vorl, doppelganger plural: forms, vorln, adjectives: formic <– Dia<– KosGiantkin:- Goliath- Human- Half-elfTroll:- Elemental folk are older than the foundation of our universe. They have records that far precede our own, however no one dares delve into their
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