Stamina System:
ONE action,
ONE bonus action,
ONE reaction
Unless clearly stated (eg. Action Surge)
Attack Action:
- melee weapon
- ranged weapon
- disarm
- grapple
- shove
- reload
- attack
- hide
- dash
- disengage/escape
- dodge/block action; adds block AC until start of next turn and no reaction is needed to Dodge; you make Dexterity saving throws with advantage
- ability check
- help action
- ready action
- search/study action
- waking someone
- don shield/bag/coat
- use an object
- activate something
- Block: AC is increased until the beginning of your next turn
- Dodge: dex save vs attack roll (If successful regain reaction)
- Trigger readied action/bonus action
- Opportunity Attack: lean into incoming attack damage: see creature leaving melee range
- Opportunity Catch: intercept seen object leaving arms’ reach: grab hold of something leaving arms reach to prevent unwanted movement (STR or DEX save)
- one extra attack if attacking
- one more dash if moving
- added focus to something (give adv on attack/ability, identify a spell being cast, ability check to quickly perceive, etc)
Bonus Actions:
- generally come from species/class/feats
- ready quick action