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the Royal Grey Home

Correct Carrying Practices

Ergonomics is one of the most important parts of an adventurer’s wellbeing on the road. You wouldn’t believe how many idiotic men I’ve seen throw their whole survival pack over only one shoulder for an entire day’s walk and then complain all night about their trapezius. Sigh. Anyway, here’s some quick tips.

First off, to be fully transparent, this is written entirely from the perspective of someone of medium build (albeit on the smaller end of medium). If your character deviates from the someone of this stature, please follow the chart below:

Tiny: -4 Small: -2 Medium: 0 Powerful Build: +4 Large: +8

Your EQUIP LOAD will be equal to your STR SCORE plus or minus any modifiers due to your SIZE. Minus 1 foot of movement and -1 to DEX SAVES for every 1 slot over your EQUIP LOAD. There are two major sections of your character’s equipment: Equipment and Inventory


Your Equipment is made of 3 lesser sections: Attire, Armaments, and Accessories


Mail Coif +3
Leather bracers +1
Breastplate +5
Padded pants +2
Leather Boots +1

requ. 12 STR to wear

Your Attire consists of six slots where their combined Armour Class cannot exceed your character’s EQUIP LOAD (This calculates the weight of your Attire):

  1. Head
  2. Cloak
  3. Body
  4. Hands
  5. Legs
  6. Boots

Your character has an Armament slot for each hand. Their total weight’ cannot exceed your character’s EQUIP LOAD. If using two hands for one Armament, add half your STR SCORE.

  • WEAPON = max dmg dice (eg rapier = 8)
  • SHIELD: (also kinda max dmg dice?)
    • Buckler = 4
    • Round Shield = 6
    • Kite Shield = 8
    • Tower shield = 10
  • OBJECT = ???


For your Accessories, you have three slots don’t give AC or take up EQUIP LOAD, however they might give other benefits, like sex appeal. They tend to be expensive due to them really only giving buffs:

  1. Earrings
  2. Broach or Necklace
  3. Ring or Bracelet



Your inventory is your adventurer’s pack. The total number of slots your character can have in their inventory is equal to their EQUIP LOAD. Most regular items and Accessories take one slot each, to make things easy. Armour and Armaments when not equipped will take up about half their equipped weight’ (rounding up) when packed into your inventory (eg: rapier=4).

A bag of 50 coins takes up one slot. A quiver of 20 arrows (or other ammunition) takes up one slot. A bundle of 10 rations takes up one slot.

Up next Garments, Armour, and Other Glamour EXAMPLESHead:- Cloth Hood/Hat +1- Leather Cowl +2- Mail Coif +3- Full Helm +4Arms:- Bone Bracers +1- Leather Vambrace +2- Plate Gauntlets +3Body:- Knowing your body’s limits Stamina System: Movement ONE action, ONE bonus action, ONE reaction Unless clearly stated (eg. Action Surge) Attack Action:- melee weapon- ranged
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