from wooded meadows of
the Royal Grey Home

Mistmore’s Continuing Compendium of the Known Gimbalic Cosmos

To whom it may concern:

The fact you are reading these pages means you are either very clever or I am very dead. Slight predicament for me in either case, nevertheless a short foreword regarding the contents therein wouldn’t go amiss:

Professor Rupert Mistmore, Esquire
and Master of Astronomy and Cosmology.
North Mountain Archive & Academy of Research,
Golding Peninsula.

Per procurationem,
Scrivener Blot,

Following is the known culmination of research and evidence et alibi on our immediate planetary and planar system, the Cosmic Gimbal.1 These findings should be understood as a continuum of research and are by no means complete nor conclusive.

Also be advised as part of the North Mountain Academic Guild we remain agnostic of the Latisaen Adhocracy, critically selective with any deep secrets of the Glintwood, and decidedly distant from the squabble to the south…”

“My trusted scrivener, Blot.”“My trusted scrivener, Blot.”

  1. …and what I, Blot, can transcribe during any off hours’ the Grand Mistmore lends me.”↩︎